CCNA new exam

Hi There!
My name is Ibrahim and i’m from Texas, US, I have BS.c in Computer Communication Engineering but unfortunately I haven’t get the chance to practice my field and I heard great things about this site to which encouraged me to join.

I’m planning to study CCNA and prepare for 200-301 exam … I hope it would can help me land a job in this career and get the chance to practice my major.

I wish everybody the best of luck!

Hello Ibrahim,

Welcome! With your background, going for CCNA is a great idea. Some (theoretical) material might be familiar but you’ll learn a lot of practical new things for sure.

I wish you good luck studying and if you need any help, you know where to find us :slight_smile:


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And i’m very excited to be part of the community and for sure appreciate your support.

Thanks again!

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