Cisco ASA Object Group for Access-List

Hi Asi,

The “object network” command is to configure a single object:

ASA1(config)# object network DMZ
ASA1(config-network-object)# ?

  description  Specify description text
  fqdn         Enter this keyword to specify an FQDN
  help         Help for network object configuration commands
  host         Enter this keyword to specify a single host object
  nat          Enable NAT on a singleton object
  no           Remove an object or description from object
  range        Enter this keyword to specify a range
  subnet       Enter this keyword to specify a subnet

Here you can refer to a single host or subnet. The network-object can be used within an object-group:

ASA1(config)# object-group network DMZ_SERVERS
ASA1(config-network-object-group)# ?

  description     Specify description text
  group-object    Configure an object group as an object
  help            Help for network object-group configuration commands
  network-object  Configure a network object
  no              Remove an object or description from object-group

Here you can see the “network-object” command. The object-group can be used to select multiple network objects.


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