FlexVPN Remote Access AnyConnect

Hi @ReneMolenaar ,

It’s an absolute pleasure to meet you :raising_hand_man:

I apologise I opened up multiple topics regarding this issue, as I was experiencing multiple issues with the lesson. Lets use this forum as I have included details on how I came to conclusions with some of the issues above.

I would like to state the article is wonderful. Between each step you provide details on a) why we are performing the the particular step b)How we will perform this config.
With this type of break-down one is able to fully comprehend and understand the config, subsequently this allows you to manipulate the code to satisfy individualised criteria.

I was further able to troubleshoot some of the issues, which I raised with @lagapidis

There was thee major issues which caused the config to not function, or caused compatibility issues with other versions of anyconnect and IOS.

I will outline those technical details below:

1. Manually configured IKEv2 proposals must be linked with an IKEv2 policy; otherwise, the proposals are not used in the negotiation.
However in the original There was no policy declared, I learned from Cisco’s official IKEv2. That a policy must be configured derived from the manually declared IKEv2 proposal.

IF there isn’t “CRYPTO IKEv2 POLICY” that will link back to the propsal, consequently the manually configured propsal in the lesson was not being utilised during the IKEv2_INIT part of the IKEv2 negoation.

2.The Default proposal must be disabled in order to utilise the manually configured proposal
This subsequent issue we run into is a direct consequence of the above configuration.
Now that we have declared a policy that will be linked with a manually configured proposal, we must disable the default policy. Otherwise the config will still prioritise the default policy, this will result in the default proposal being utilised.
When you have configured a custom IKEv2 Proposal and Policy you can and should disable the defaults.
no crypto ikev2 proposal default
no crypto ikev2 policy default
Because the default policy was being utilised, this was initiating the default proposal. This resulted in IKEv2 using depreciated cryptography, integrity and Diffie-Hellman group in the IKEv2_INIT part of the negation. Consequently only anyconnect <4.8 was supported by the server.

3. IKEv2 Authorization Policy needs to be linked to the IKEv2 Profile.
When you are configuring the profile in IKEv2, You must declare the aaa authorization group anyconnect-eap list 'NAME OF YOUR AAA AUTHORIZATION NETWORK You must FOLLOW this up with the KEv2 Authorization Policy

This applies even if are using a radius server(i.e ISE) or local authentication!

for example in the profile in aaa authorization group anyconnect-eap list it must be linked with authorization policy e.g ‘AAA_AUTHORIZATION_NETWORK' 'IKEV2_AUTHORIZATION_POLICY

During my time in the lab, I learned even if you are a using authorization policy attributes deriving from radius(e.g ISE), that you must use a “dummy” authorization policy!(strange I know)

This is not mentioned by cisco, which I found rather strange.

For example:
Here is the current attribute populated authorization policy :

crypto ikev2 authorization policy IKEV2_AUTHORIZATION_POLICY
def-domain NWL.LAB
route set remote ipv4

Here is a “dummy” authorization policy that needs to be declared, this applies even if attributes is to derived from ISE.
crypto ikev2 authorization policy IKEV2_AUTHORIZATION_POLICY


in the tutorial we are using LOCAL derived attributes, however if both are configured(ISE and Local) LOCAL will take preference.
The IKEv2 authorization policy serves as a container of IKEv2 local AAA group authorization parameters.

The issue was the tutorial’s authorization policy was configured with attributes. However it was NOT linked to the profile. Consequently this was causing the authorization error, in the AAA part of the negotiations.

I managed to troubleshoot most of these issues using:

debug crypto IKEv2
debug aaa authorization
debug aaa authentication

Update: I noticed you managed to update the tutorials to address some of these issues I raised, that is absolutely brilliant!

Many thanks again!

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