thank you so much for the clear explanation!
Hello Rene,
As I go through the Dynamic mac addresses learning concept, as per my understanding , Gi0/3 act as an uplink port to another switch, which i why it i learning all MAC address dynamically on the mentioned port. Could you clarify where we are using the dynamic method and where we are using the static method?
Hello Siva
Dynamic MAC address learning is the default behavior of switches. Whenever a frame comes into a port, it will read the source MAC address of that frame, and place it within the MAC address table, and correspond it with the incoming interface. This is done regardless of whether or not you have an uplink to a switch or a connection to an end device.
Static entries in the MAC address table, unlike the dynamic ones, are configured manually by inputting the specific MAC address and the corresponding port. This is not done very often as there are very few use cases for this. Take a look at this NetworkLessons note about static MAC address table entries.
I hope this has been helpful!
Hi Laz,
Thanks for the explanation.