IPv4 Address Configuration on Cisco IOS Catalyst Switch

Its been awhile and I just wanted to refresh memory on how initially configure the switch. Particularly L2 switch. Most are L3 these days but nevertheless. This was the only article related I was able to find and I feel a couple of things are missing, particularly those that I had questions about. Thats:
default gateway probably should be included, showing also difference for L3 config as is in the lesson, but also for L2 which is different because its, well, just l2 switch;

so on L2 switch how do we assign management IP address? Can we even create a SVI on pure L2 switch? What that ip then will be assigned to?

on L3 switch while using SVI for management access is well known its not always desirable or even the best. So what are other options (assuming there is no dedicated management port)? Assign IP to physical port? Use loopback?

What about this ‘autoconfiguration with DHCP’ option for initial switch configuration CISCO keeps mentioning but never really explains? I tried but it never worked - the only way I could use DHCP is by assigning to one physical interface ‘ip address dhcp’ option. But thats not the ‘autoconfiguration’ of the switch, just one interface. I hoped ‘autoconfiguration’ will show me how the management IP is configured but since it never worked…

Sorry with all these questions but I thought it is all related to what seems should be a simple thing the lesson is focusing on - initial configuraiton and management access. And just as I started to think about it I realized I cant definitively answer these questions.