RSVP DSBM (Designated Subnetwork Bandwidth Manager)

Hi Stefanita,

I didn’t configure anything on purpose, but there are some default RSVP commands. Here are all rsvp commands we configured:

R3#show run | include rsvp 
 ip rsvp bandwidth 2048

And here are all default commands and values:

R3#show run all | include rsvp
 ip rsvp bandwidth 2048 2048
 ip rsvp signalling fast-local-repair wait-time 0
 ip rsvp burst policing 200
 ip rsvp dsbm candidate 64
 ip rsvp dsbm non-resv-send-limit rate 2147484
 ip rsvp dsbm non-resv-send-limit burst 2147484
 ip rsvp dsbm non-resv-send-limit peak 2147484
 ip rsvp dsbm non-resv-send-limit min-unit 1
 ip rsvp dsbm non-resv-send-limit max-unit 2147483647
ip rsvp policy cops timeout 300
ip rsvp pq-profile 12288 592 110
ip rsvp signalling initial-retransmit-delay 1000
ip rsvp signalling refresh reduction ack-delay 250
ip rsvp signalling refresh interval 30000
ip rsvp signalling refresh misses 4
ip rsvp authentication type md5
ip rsvp authentication lifetime 00:30:00

Thanks, I just fixed this!


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