Spanning-Tree BPDUGuard

Hello Pinki

BPDU Guard is a feature that is enabled on ports where PortFast has been enabled. PortFast in turn should be enabled only on access ports, that is, ports that connect to end devices and not to other STP switches.

UplinkFast on the other hand is configured on ports that DO connect to other switches running STP. In actuality it is enabled ONLY on ports connected to switches.

For this reason, you would never configure both UplinkFast and BPDUGuard on the same port.

I hope this has been helpful!


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I think the command should be SW2(config)#spanning-tree portfast bpduguard default
One last word missed in the guide.

Hi Dmitriy,

It seems they changed this. I’m looking at this document:

Cisco IOS Software Command
CatSwitch-IOS(config)# spanning-tree portfast bpduguard 

It seems that since the 3560, they use this command:

spanning-tree portfast bpduguard default

I’ll change it :+1:


Typically, in Rapid spanning tree, we would want to see the uplinkfast and backbone fast enabled correct? in which cases would you not want this enabled?


Hello Austin,
with Rapid STP we dont need to care about UplinkFast and BackboneFast any more, these features are natively included and automatically enabled in Rapid STP mode.

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Hello Austin

As @fugazz correctly stated, UplinkFast and BackboneFast are features that are natively included in RSTP. Actually, you will see that these two features will be reported as disabled on your output. This is because RSTP uses its own implementations of these improvements, and these are features that you cannot disable.

I hope this has been helpful!


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Hello NetworkLessons team.

I need help.
Portfast and BPDUGuard have been enabled on SW in the topology below.


Sometimes SW receive a BPDU in voice VLAN and the port goes into err-disabked state. What’s happened?

config example:

SW1#sh spanning-tree summary
Portfast Default             is enabled
PortFast BPDU Guard Default  is enabled
interface FastEthernet0/2
 switchport access vlan 6
 switchport mode access
 switchport voice vlan 3


Hello Boris

This is an unusual situation, but it is not unheard of. Specifically, in your configuration, you are protecting the network from someone connecting a switch to the PC port of the phone. The portfast and BPDU Guard features should both be enabled as you have them, as this is best practice for security. However, it seems that the switch is “seeing” BPDUs on the Fa0/2 port and going into err-disabled state.

There are several reasons why this would occur:

  1. Someone is connecting a switch to the PC port of the phone. Of course, I’m sure you’ve checked that, but just including this here for completion.
  2. There is some software running on the PC that is sending BPDUs. This would be the case if someone is trying to hack the network using specialized network tools, or if someone is running an emulator on the device using GNS3 for example. Some configuration may have sent some BPDUs over the physical network.
  3. Although rare, it has happened that faulty cables have caused problems with BPDU guard being tripped.

I suggest you check out the following:

  1. Verify that the err-disable reason is indeed due to BPDU Guard
  2. Is the problem reproducible? Do you see it on other ports with other phones? Try to switch cables, switch ports on the switch, and even disconnect the PC for a while and see if that makes any changes. This way you can focus on what is causing the problem (cable, PC, phone, switch port). By changing one element at a time, you can eliminate specific sources of the problem.

Try these out and let us know the results so we can further help you in troubleshooting…

I hope this has been helpful!



Hello Laz
Thanks a lot.

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Hi Rene,

Don’t do access ports by default already receive BPDU’s in case there is a topology change or only on trunk ports?


Hello Walter

Switches will be able to send and receive BPDUs on access ports. And yes, access ports will by default receive valid BPDUs in the event of a topology change. However, the access ports that are connected to end devices should never receive BPDUs. For this reason, BPDU guard should be enabled only on ports that you know are not connected to any other switches. In other words, it should be enabled only on access ports that serve end devices.

I hope this has been helpful!


Hi Laz,

thanks for the clarification, so does it mean its mandatory or best practice to enable BPDU guard on end points connected to end devices? can a network run without the administrator always having to enable bpdu guard on every access port connected to a switch? or what is best practice design so that your access ports never receive bpdu’s

Hello Walter

It is generally best practice to enable both portfast and bpduguard on ports where you don’t expect to see any switches connected. This protects you from employees bringing their own switches and connecting them at their desks and causing a change in the STP topology.

Because most ports on an access layer switch will be used by end devices, it is possible to enable both portfast and bpduguard by default on all ports, and then to remove these features from the few ports that will connect to other switches. This way you don’t need to configure each and every access port separately.

In enterprise networks in general, you don’t often have changes to these configurations, so it’s not that much of an overhead to go in and configure these ports at the beginning. If you’re in an environment where ports are often changed from being connected to switches to being connected to hosts and visa versa, then you may consider not configuring portfast and bpduguard, but that depends on how vulnerable you consider your network to be to attacks by employees. You have to weigh the pros and cons in each case.

I hope this has been helpful!


dear Laz,

this is very clear. i am amazed by your clear explanation, thank you very much for your patience.


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consider a customer arrives in my Campus, he wan to add his switch intto my network in trunk (he wants that i pass him 3 vlans) but i dont want his partecipation to spanning tree, what i must put on my side interface:

 switchport trunk allowed vlan 11,217,1217
 switchport mode trunk

Thank you

Hello Valerio

If you want to cause a specific port to stop participating in STP, the best solution is to enable the Spanning-Tree BPDU Filter. This can be accomplished by issuing the following command on the interface:

SW(config-if)#spanning-tree bpdufilter enable

I hope this has been helpful!


Indeed ,during my first installation I did it by mistake and big loop happened… because with bpdugard.

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I just recommended a friend to enable BPDUGuard on all access ports for switches on his network and he doesn’t think it’s a good idea because he thinks BPDUGuard would prevent multiple MAC Addresses from working on an access port. I can’t see why BPDUGuard would prevent multiple MACs from working on an access port. Can someone verify if this is please?
Thank you,

Hello Gary

You are correct that BPDUGuard does not prevent multiple MAC addresses from working on an access port. BPDUGuard is a feature that protects your network from potential loops by disabling a port that receives a BPDU on access ports. It does not have any direct impact on the MAC address learning or limiting process.

For more information about BPDUGuard, take a look at this lesson:

What your friend is describing sounds more like port security. Take a look at this lesson on port security to learn more:

I hope this has been helpful!
