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Got any questions about our practice exams? Found errors you want to report? That’s what this category is for.

Found what I believe to be 2 errors on the ENARSI practice test:

  1. FTP Data & Control ports specified in reverse-order (DATA should = 20, CONTROL should = 21).

  2. Wrong answers specified, as the Cisco Performance Monitor lesson itself shows the second step for EzPM to configure an exporter via the relevant command

Just doing my bit to help future test-takers.


Hello Curtis

Thanks for pointing those out! I will let Rene know to make the adjustments.


Cheers Laz,

I’m getting close to exam time and I appreciate the ENARSI course provided by networklessons.

It doesn’t really affect my testing too much when I find the odd mistake, as they are usually obvious when reviewing the answers. I’ll be sure to let you know if I encounter any more etc.


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Found what I believe to be another one… My understanding was that the multipath consideration comes straight after the “Lowest IGP Metric to next hop” in the BGP Best Path Selection Process.

Does this sound correct to yourself?


Hello Curtis

Thanks for pointing this out. Looking at Cisco’s documentation on the subject confirms what you’re saying. I’ll let Rene know…

Thanks again!



In this question the best FD - 15 (through R3), AD through R4 - 14 (less then 15). Will the route through R4 be Feasible Successor or not ?


Hello Nickolay

For the route via R4, the feasibility condition has been met so yes, the route via R4 will indeed be a feasible successor. The question however asked if the path via R2 would be able to participate in unequal cost load balancing using the variance feature. The path via R2 will not participate because it is not an FS. However, the path via R4 will participate since it fulfills the feasibility condition.

For more information on the feasibility condition, take a look at this NetworkLessons note.

I hope this has been helpful!
