BGP Flowspec

I am having a bit issue with regards to announcing bgp flowspec rules.

I am trying to announce to different types of rules but for some reason, when one rule is in place and when i announce 2nd rule, the initial rule is withdrawn.

For Ex:
1st Rule Announced for BGP Flowspec Rate-Limit to 100Mbps to

cisco_router#sh bgp flow-spec ipv4 destination detail
BGP Flow Specification rules for VRF default
Router identifier, local AS number xxxx
BGP Flow Specification Matching Rule for;*;
 Rule identifier: 140589008397264
 Matching Rule:
   Destination Prefix:
   Source Prefix: *
 Paths: 1 available
    from (
      Origin INCOMPLETE, metric -, localpref 100, weight 0, valid, external, best
      Actions: Police: 10 kbps (1.25 kBps)

When i try to announce a Flowspec Redirect to Next Hop, the Flowspec Rate-Limit is replaced.

cisco_router#sh bgp flow-spec ipv4 destination detail
BGP Flow Specification rules for VRF default
Router identifier, local AS number xxxx
BGP Flow Specification Matching Rule for;*;
 Rule identifier: 140589008397264
 Matching Rule:
   Destination Prefix:
   Source Prefix: *
 Paths: 1 available
    from (
      Origin INCOMPLETE, metric -, localpref 100, weight 0, valid, external, best
      Actions: Redirect IP:

**when i withdraw the Nexthop Redirect rule, there no longer any rules for the prefix while the flowspec rate-limit rule is still being announced from its bgp peer.

Have anyone experienced this in the past or can explain why this is happening?

Also I tested this with more specific like adding protocol to the flowspec rate-limit and this does NOT happen it is only happening to less specific flowspec announcement which is what i am looking to do. I am looking to basically limit all traffic to a dest prefix.

Hello Bhargav

Although I don’t have that much experience with flowspec, after doing some research I have found that flowspec has the following limitation/functionality: If there are multiple matches, only the first matching flowspec rule will be applied. In your case, you are matching the same prefix in your rules, so only one of the rules (the first one encountered) will be applied. I’m not sure it’s possible to both rate limit and redirect traffic that matches the same flowspec criteria/rule.

You can find more detailed information on flowspec and how to implement it at this Cisco documentation:

I hope this has been helpful!
