CCNP ROUTE blueprint and test

Hey rene,

Has to route map changed since last couple of months and what is good source for an accurate test bank/dump?

Sorry CCNP route exam is what i meant

Hello Divyansh

The CCNP version 2 series of exams that are available today (ROUTE, SWITCH and TSHOOT) were published several years ago (I’ve seen some cert guides from Cisco Press covering this exam that were published in 2014!). So the exams are several years old. All of the exams are covered in full by Rene’s lessons on the site. For the full list of CCNP ROUTE lessons, take a look below:

The best way to study is to review all content and to lab up as many scenarios as possible. Labbing will allow you to more fully understand the concepts to be able to more readily answer the questions correctly.

I hope this has been helpful!
