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can you pleas suggest books for CCNA,CCNP & CCIE security
Great advice on what books individuals should look into. I’m waiting on the v5 material to be release.
In my opinion if you are just getting started in Cisco I always like Tom Lamme CCNA. CCNP Cisco press and then I purchased Rene ccnp routing just as an additional soure on information. His writing style fills in some of the blanks you may encounter reading Cisco press.
Thanks Tilden!
For now I would recommend the Cisco Press books. I have plans to write a book on CCNA security in the future so until then, use the Cisco press books
Hi Rene, I have bought all your books (CCNA/CCNP Route/Switch/TShoot) before and passed all the exams. Clear and concise and straight to the point with clear colorful diagrams and plain english.
Do you have any plans to release such book for CCIE R&S v5? I would buy instantly.
I see that INE’s CCIE R&S v5 workbook has been released.
Hi Rene , have you specified a date for releasing the book ( CCNA Sec ) ?
Hi Siva,
Thanks for your kind words, it’s great to hear that you enjoyed my books! I do have plans for a CCIE Written book later this year…Maybe i’ll also create something for the lab but we’ll see
Hi Hosam,
Not yet, I plan to do it in a few months.
Hi Rene, good work
I totally agree with your list but I would add perhaps the best book ever written from ciscopress:
The CCNP Practical Switching ---- Justin Menga - was written in 2003 but it is so great that it is still useful ! I’ve never read anything better … I do not understand why it is almost unknown …
For the method and strategies the best book is CCIE R/S by Bruce Caslow – out of date but the strategy (checklist - spot the issue - analisys skills ) is amazing !
Rene you write brilliantly i am reading your CNNP books and waiting for Security and Data Center!
I have a question…does the date a book is published influence your decision whether or not to read it? A couple of the books on this list were written in the early 2000s. Is the information still relevant? I know OSPF probably hasnt undergone major changes in the past decade, but I cant help but wonder…
Hi Nick,
Networking has been one of the fields in IT that hasn’t changed much. Some of these books are old but still relevant and you will learn a lot from them. Don’t let the date fool you
Hi Rene
Believe me your are the inspiration teacher .
When you finish ccie written book I will be first one to buy this book
Sorry. Rene
Please advise me , I have a problem to memories some topic and command .
They are any solution you have for me .
Thanks I appreciate your help
Good Morning RENE,
In preparing for RS V5, is rank rentals better compared to building a lab in GNS3
I believe rack rentals are the best method. I wrote a post about it this week, take a look:
really i appreciate it alot
but a have one question
do i have to read all these 11 books
or u can reduce it as minimum books should i read
my regards