Cisco IOS-XE Router with IPv4/IPv6 Stateless DHCP and Zone Firewall

Just because someone might find this useful as I found little help for the stateless IPv6 configuration to get the range from the ISP:

Features of this config:

  1. IPv4 and IPv6 DHCP from ISP to end user.
  2. Zone firewall for ICMP, VPN and DHCP plus custom for LAN, WAN and self zones (needed for DHCPv6).
  3. Zone firewall uses IP ACL, L4, L7 and category based rules.
  4. Netflow to local collector.
  5. Nat for IPv4 (not a thing for IPv6).
  6. Should be fairly hardened (I tested mine and everything unsolicited from the WAN is blocked (Steath, so no unreachable sent), so hopefully secure.
  7. SNMP and NTP config.

Hopefully this stands as a good boilerplate for those needing similar. Just needs FlexVPN or similar adding so you can VPN to home or work. And add any dynamic routing you may need.

Would be nice if someone could critique this and tell me if there are any glaring gotchas, or if this is a good secure config. Only thing I know could be done better is match-any for the zone filters to reduce the number of class maps.

Tested on C1161-8P and IOS-XE 17.6.3a


service nagle
service telnet-zeroidle
service tcp-keepalives-in
service tcp-keepalives-out
service timestamps debug datetime msec localtime show-timezone year
service timestamps log datetime msec localtime show-timezone year
service password-encryption
service sequence-numbers

hostname router

logging buffered 512000 informational
logging source-interface Vlan1
logging facility local3
no logging rate-limit
no logging console
no logging trap

aaa new-model
aaa authentication login default local line enable
aaa authorization network default local if-authenticated
aaa authorization exec default local if-authenticated
aaa authorization config-commands
aaa authorization console
aaa session-id common

aaa common-criteria policy iiot_policy
 min-length 10
 max-length 127
 numeric-count 1
 upper-case 1
 lower-case 1
 char-changes 4

clock timezone GMT 0 0
clock summer-time BST recurring last Sun Mar 1:00 last Sun Oct 2:00

login on-success log

ip nbar http-services
ip name-server
ip dhcp excluded-address
ip dhcp excluded-address
ip domain name personal

ip dhcp pool LAN
 domain-name personal
 netbios-node-type h-node
 import all
 update arp
 lease 8

ipv6 unicast-routing

ipv6 dhcp pool PREFIX_2
 dns-server 2001:4860:4860::8888
 dns-server 2001:4860:4860::8844
 domain-name personal

no ipv6 source-route

flow record netflow
 match ipv4 protocol
 match ipv4 source address
 match ipv4 destination address
 match transport source-port
 match transport destination-port
 collect transport tcp flags
 collect counter packets long
 collect counter bytes long
 collect timestamp sys-uptime first
 collect timestamp sys-uptime last

flow exporter netflow
 transport udp 2055
 source Vlan1

flow monitor netflow
 exporter netflow
 record netflow

spanning-tree extend system-id
spanning-tree vlan 1 priority 8192

username admin privilege 15 secret setme
vlan internal allocation policy ascending

lldp run

class-map type inspect match-all ICMP
 match access-group name ICMP
class-map type inspect match-all DHCP
 match access-group name DHCP
class-map type inspect match-all VPN
 match access-group name VPN

class-map type inspect match-all ICMPv6
 match access-group name ICMPv6
class-map type inspect match-all DHCPv6
 match access-group name DHCPv6
class-map type inspect match-all VPNv6
 match access-group name VPNv6

class-map type inspect match-any BY_PROTOCOL
 match protocol telnet
 match protocol smtp
 match protocol pop3
 match protocol imap
 match protocol http
 match protocol ftp
 match protocol dns
 match protocol tftp
 match protocol https
 match protocol icmp
 match protocol tcp
 match protocol udp

class-map match-any BY_CATEGORY
 match protocol attribute category browsing
 match protocol attribute category social-networking
 match protocol attribute category software-updates
 match protocol attribute category file-sharing
 match protocol attribute category trojan

class-map type inspect match-all LAN_TO_WAN
 match access-group name LAN_TO_WAN
 match class-map BY_PROTOCOL
class-map type inspect match-all LAN_TO_WANv6
 match access-group name LAN_TO_WANv6
 match class-map BY_PROTOCOL

class-map type inspect match-all WAN_TO_LAN
 match access-group name WAN_TO_LAN
 match class-map BY_PROTOCOL
class-map type inspect match-all WAN_TO_LANv6
 match access-group name WAN_TO_LANv6
 match class-map BY_PROTOCOL

class-map type inspect match-all WAN_TO_SELF
 match access-group name WAN_TO_SELF
 match class-map BY_PROTOCOL
class-map type inspect match-all WAN_TO_SELFv6
 match access-group name WAN_TO_SELFv6
 match class-map BY_PROTOCOL

class-map type inspect match-all SELF_TO_WAN
 match access-group name SELF_TO_WAN
 match class-map BY_PROTOCOL
class-map type inspect match-all SELF_TO_WANv6
 match access-group name SELF_TO_WANv6
 match class-map BY_PROTOCOL

policy-map type inspect avc BY_CATEGORY
 class class-default

policy-map type inspect SELF_TO_WAN
 class type inspect ICMP
 class type inspect ICMPv6
 class type inspect DHCP
 class type inspect DHCPv6
 class type inspect VPN
 class type inspect VPNv6
 class type inspect SELF_TO_WAN
 class type inspect SELF_TO_WANv6
 class class-default

policy-map type inspect WAN_TO_SELF
 class type inspect ICMP
 class type inspect ICMPv6
 class type inspect DHCP
 class type inspect DHCPv6
 class type inspect VPN
 class type inspect VPNv6
 class type inspect WAN_TO_SELF
 class type inspect WAN_TO_SELFv6
 class class-default

policy-map type inspect LAN_TO_WAN
 class type inspect ICMP
 class type inspect ICMPv6
 class type inspect LAN_TO_WAN
  service-policy avc BY_CATEGORY
 class type inspect LAN_TO_WANv6
  service-policy avc BY_CATEGORY
 class class-default

policy-map type inspect WAN_TO_LAN
 class type inspect ICMP
 class type inspect ICMPv6
 class type inspect WAN_TO_LAN
  service-policy avc BY_CATEGORY
 class type inspect WAN_TO_LANv6
  service-policy avc BY_CATEGORY
 class class-default

zone security LAN
zone security WAN

zone-pair security LAN_TO_WAN source LAN destination WAN
 service-policy type inspect LAN_TO_WAN

zone-pair security WAN_TO_LAN source WAN destination LAN
 service-policy type inspect WAN_TO_LAN

zone-pair security SELF_TO_WAN source self destination WAN
 service-policy type inspect SELF_TO_WAN

zone-pair security WAN_TO_SELF source WAN destination self
 service-policy type inspect WAN_TO_SELF

interface Null0
 no ip unreachables

interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0
 description FIBRE WAN / INTERNET
 ip flow monitor netflow input
 ip flow monitor netflow output
 ip address dhcp
 no ip redirects
 no ip unreachables
 no ip proxy-arp
 ip nat outside
 zone-member security WAN
 negotiation auto
 ipv6 dhcp client pd PREFIX_1 rapid-commit
 ipv6 address autoconfig default
 ipv6 enable
 no ipv6 redirects

interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1
 description FIBRE WAN / BACKUP
 no ip address
 zone-member security WAN
 negotiation auto

interface GigabitEthernet0/1/0
 description INTERNAL LAN / SPARE

interface GigabitEthernet0/1/1
 description INTERNAL LAN / SPARE

interface GigabitEthernet0/1/2
 description INTERNAL LAN / SPARE

interface GigabitEthernet0/1/3
 description INTERNAL LAN / SPARE

interface GigabitEthernet0/1/4
 description INTERNAL LAN / SPARE

interface GigabitEthernet0/1/5
 description INTERNAL LAN / SPARE

interface GigabitEthernet0/1/6
 description INTERNAL LAN / SPARE

interface GigabitEthernet0/1/7
 description INTERNAL LAN / SPARE

interface Vlan1
 description INTERNAL LAN / VLAN
 ip flow monitor netflow input
 ip flow monitor netflow output
 ip address
 no ip redirects
 ip nat inside
 zone-member security LAN
 ipv6 address PREFIX_1 ::1/62
 ipv6 dhcp server PREFIX_2
 ipv6 nd other-config-flag
 ipv6 enable
 no ipv6 redirects

ip tcp synwait-time 10
ip tcp path-mtu-discovery age-timer 20
ip forward-protocol nd
ip tftp source-interface Vlan1
ip ftp source-interface Vlan1
ip http authentication local
ip http server

no ip http secure-server

ip nat inside source route-map LAN_TO_WAN_MAP interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0 overload
ip route dhcp

ip ssh time-out 60
ip ssh authentication-retries 2
ip ssh source-interface Vlan1
ip ssh version 2

ip scp server enable

ip access-list extended LAN_TO_WAN
 10 permit ip any any

ip access-list extended WAN_TO_LAN
 10 deny ip any any

ip access-list extended SELF_TO_WAN
 10 permit ip any any

ip access-list extended WAN_TO_SELF
 10 deny ip any any

ip access-list extended ICMP
 10 permit icmp any any

ip access-list extended DHCP
 10 permit udp any eq bootps any
 20 permit udp any eq bootpc any
 30 permit udp any any eq bootps
 40 permit udp any any eq bootpc

ip access-list extended VPN
 10 permit udp any any eq isakmp
 20 permit udp any any eq non500-isakmp
 30 permit ahp any any
 40 permit esp any any

ip access-list extended LAN_TO_WAN_NAT
 10 permit ip any

ip access-list standard VTY
 10 permit

ipv6 access-list LAN_TO_WANv6
 sequence 10 permit ipv6 any any

ipv6 access-list WAN_TO_LANv6
 sequence 10 permit ipv6 any any

ipv6 access-list SELF_TO_WANv6
 sequence 10 deny ipv6 any any

ipv6 access-list WAN_TO_SELFv6
 sequence 10 deny ipv6 any any

ipv6 access-list ICMPv6
 sequence 10 permit icmp any any

ipv6 access-list DHCPv6
 sequence 10 permit udp any eq 546 any
 sequence 20 permit udp any eq 547 any
 sequence 30 permit udp any any eq 546
 sequence 40 permit udp any any eq 547

ipv6 access-list VPNv6
 sequence 10 permit udp any any eq isakmp
 sequence 20 permit udp any any eq non500-isakmp
 sequence 30 permit ahp any any
 sequence 40 permit esp any any

route-map LAN_TO_WAN_MAP permit 10
 match ip address LAN_TO_WAN_NAT

snmp-server packetsize 2048
snmp-server contact Personal User
snmp-server chassis-id Home
snmp-server system-shutdown
snmp-server manager

banner motd '
 |                    System Property Of: Personal User                       |
 |             This Is A Private System -- Authorised Access Only             |
 |   Disconnect Immediately If You Are Not Authorised To Access This System   |
 | Unauthorised Access Will Be Logged And Could Constitute A Criminal Offence |
 |           Such Logs May Be Used As Evidence In Legal Proceedings           |

line con 0
 session-timeout 600
 exec-timeout 0 0
 logging synchronous
 history size 256
 transport preferred ssh
 transport output all
 stopbits 1

line vty 0 15
 session-timeout 600
 access-class VTY in
 exec-timeout 60 0
 privilege level 15
 logging synchronous
 history size 256
 transport preferred ssh
 transport input ssh
 transport output all

ntp source Vlan1
ntp server prefer
ntp server minpoll 10
ntp server minpoll 10
ntp logging

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Hello Anthony!

Welcome to NetworkLessons! Great to have you with us, and thanks for sharing…

Looking forward to seeing you on the forum!


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A post was split to a new topic: IOS-XE with IPv4/IPv6 Stateless DHCP and Zone Firewall