Difference between the individual topics and certifications topics

Dear Rene,

Can you explain in detail what is the difference between the courses under the ‘‘ROUTING & SWITCHING’’ section & the cisco certification section? is one better than the other? when you would one over the other?

Very Respectfully,

Hello Walter

What you see under the “Courses” menu as “Routing and Switching”, and as the various Cisco certifications, is simply a different way of categorizing the many lessons that Rene has created.

Under the “Cisco” submenu, you will find courses organized based on the Cisco exam topic blueprints for each certification. Under the “Routing and Switching” submenu, you will find courses organized according to particular technologies, protocols, and features.

If you are looking to study for a particular certification, then your best bet would be to choose the certification you are interested in under “Cisco”. If however, you want to focus on a particular technology because you want to brush up your skills on that, or you are looking for a specific feature, look through the “Routing and Switching” submenu to find what you need.

The content is the same, the organization and categorization are simply different.

I hope this has been helpful!


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