Failed encor

Hi Laz,

failed my ENCORE exam with 790/825…
Architecture 80%
Virtualization 90%
Infrastructure 60%
Network Assurance 60%
Automation 53%

Soooo close… Keep it going and don’t give up. Next try will be a pass.

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Hello Walter

That’s too bad! I know how it feels, I’ve been there too. @aneba’s right, don’t give up, keep it going. After a little time, get back to studying so you don’t lose your momentum, and we’ll be here to help you out too!

Wish you success on your next try!


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I started studying again, focusing on my weak areas.



focus on the topics you scored low on.
just go and take the test again if you know how to explain to a person all the content studied. self-assess this is very important.
failing anything is frustrating, especially when you pay for it! don’t give up if it’s something you really want !!!

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thanks! Yuri, i think i didn’t do a lot of practice questions, do they help?

Hi @walter.nakatana

making questions simulated is interesting.
in addition to realizing your knowledge more, you practice interpreting the context of the questions at the same time so as not to waste time and also be more assertive in the answers!
the important thing is also not to want to memorize the type of question, but to simulate it as it was on the day of the exam with questions you never saw !!