Hi there! I am Pete from England

Who are you?

Where are you?
I’m from Wiltshire in the UK

What stage are you in? Are you a beginner in networking? A veteran studying for a CCIE exam?
Currently studying for my CCIE R/S.

What’s your background? Why did you join NetworkLessons.com? Any cool stories to share?
PfR brought me here! I stumbled across the site looking for more depth to topics that the official cert guide doesn’t cover in enough detail.

Hello Pete!

Welcome on board. It’s great to have you with us. We wish you success in your certification journey, and if and when you need any help or have any questions, we’re here to help you out.

Looking forward to chatting with you in the future!


Hello Pete,

Welcome! Do you intend to pass the current CCIE R&S lab or do you want to go for the new exam(s) next year?

PfR is a good example, the Cisco Press book for the written exam is a little thin on PfR.

Good luck studying, if you need any help you know where to find us!
