How do IaaS providers manage networking and security

As a newbie in the field of Datacenter and IaaS provider in particular I would like to get some literature on how to manage networking and security requirements for IaaS providers. I work for a Telco operator who intends to start providing IaaS services to the public but this area is totally new to me and any pointers on how to set up the network and how to manage security are welcome.

Hello Fortune

The NetworkLessons site doesn’t focus datacenters and has somewhat limited information about IaaS, however, after doing some research, I have compiled a list of some resources that you may find useful. These are resources that are generally available for free online.

Remember, hands-on experience is the best teacher in this field. Start experimenting with creating virtual networks and managing virtual machines in the cloud, using the free tiers offered by AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud. This will give you practical experience and a deeper understanding of the concepts you’ll be reading about.

I wish you the best of luck in your new role and in your endeavors!

I hope this has been helpful!


Thanks @lagapidis, these resources will go a long way.

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