Hello Rene,
for the command:
Nancy(config)#ip prefix-list DEFAULTROUTE permit
When you say it’s only permitting the default route. Is this command means all traffic to any destination will be permitted?
Thank you
Hello Rene,
for the command:
Nancy(config)#ip prefix-list DEFAULTROUTE permit
When you say it’s only permitting the default route. Is this command means all traffic to any destination will be permitted?
Thank you
@Stuart it will show up like this if all subnets in the range have a /24 subnet mask. If all of them have a /25, it will show up as If you have three with a /24 mask and one with a /25 mask…it will show up as (classful).
@Khalid This entry in the prefix-list really only matches the default route.
19 posts were merged into an existing topic: How to configure Prefix-List on Cisco Router
Ok, Hi everyone just joined the site.
I want to make sure that my brain understands this. It’s like you slice and dice and hopefully everything comes out right. So say I have this already as my prefix list: le 32
Now say I want to include another network. So I want the following two networks in one prefix-list. and, I want these covered by one prefix list.
So I figure that this will fit within the scope of these two networks.
2 will be size of subnets:
0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
12 and 13 — this fits just right.
14, 16, 18 etc…
So I delete the old prefix and add this: le 32
I’m not worried about the “le 32” as that basically means I’m accepting all addresses in the 10.0.12.x and scope.
So do I understand this correctly?
Thank you!
Hi Michael,
Seems you got it right yes: le 32
This will match all 1.0.12.X networks that have a subnet mask of /32 or larger (like /31, /30, /29, etc.).
With this one: le 32
You have everything that falls within range and with a subnet mask larger than /32 (/31, /30, /29, etc.).
Thanks Rene!
I appreciate that you take the time out of your busy schedule to answer! So many sites do not.
Hi Rene,
Thanks for this great tutorial. So if I put seq 10 permit before any other prefix lines, like
seq 10 permit
seq 20 permit
seq 30 permit
seq 20 and 30 won’t matter because the seq 10 already covered everything? Thanks!
Hello Barry.
Yes you are correct.
I was so confused by this at first. I know its simple but its also a brain teaser for some reason.
first I pulled up my boson subnet tool its free tool by the way on the Boson.com (just need to create an account) website. At first I was thinking that first two bits mean the first two spots _ _ thinking it could be anything from 0 to 192 that it did not matter if it was a zero or a one. However after putting into the subnet calculator it helped me to see.
The next really helpful thing for me was when I went ahead and enabled the command with distribute-list prefix CLASSB in all of a sudden all my 10.x.x.x networks disappeared which shot my first theory to crap along with supporting the boson subnet calculator.
So seeing it in play in a lab really made sense. I think the confusion goes back to the rule on how the classes are setup. When we was learning sub-netting classes that you read and say oh ok but as time goes on you just get use to seeing the numbers themselves and that they are a certain class.
I am betting everyone that had a problem with this does not use the Class A, B, C rule anymore but instead over time have subconsciously just memorized the 1-127 is A, 128-191 is B, 192-223 is C and does not really think of the rule about class A the first bit always being 0, and class b the first two bits being set to 10, and class C having its first three bits set to 110… (hoping me explaining this in writing will actually help me remember it! lol)
So its like trying to do a math problem and finally that silly rule in math never used much is key to how the expression functions.
anyway below is some more information reinforcing Rene info.
posted the rule below in greater detail that Rene implicitly mentioned briefly in his post I am one of those type that can sometimes be slow seeing something the way it should be seen until I experience it for myself.
Hello rene
there is a problem with the second video ! Can u update it
Hi Yasser,
Did it not play for you? I just re-added it. Does it work now?
I currently have set up R2 connected to R4.
R4 is advertising in EIGRP: ( ( (
I’m simply just practicing with prefix-list and wanted to filter out the /30 /29 /28 routes, and only advertise the /24
On R4 I have done:
R4(config#) ip prefix-list test deny ge 28 le 30
R4(config#) ip prefix-list test permit le 32
R4(config-router#) distribute-list test out serial0/0/0
However, R2 is still showing all of the above mentioned routes in its routing table. I also tried filtering the same routes IN on R2 but to no effect. Where am I going wrong?
Thank you so much!
I have been going crazy trying to figure this out the past 24 hours. Finally figured out that I was leaving out the keyword ‘prefix’ in my “distribute-list” command syntax. Basically the distribute-list was looking for an ACL (that never existed) because I didn’t specify ‘prefix’ in the command. A little more tricky since leaving out ‘prefix’ is an acceptable command. It’s working as it should now
I do things like this all the time XD
Hello Alex!
Great to hear that you solved the issue on your own. Thanks very much for sharing your solution with us, it means so much for the community to have active and responsive participants. It helps us all when we share our experiences in this way.
Thanks for sharing! I couldn’t figure out at first as well. but why did you use “”? I thought this is a class c /24 or higher?
Hello Rene,
I am new to this Forum, Your lessons are helping me a lot, the way of explanation is very simple.
But I have a doubt:
I didn’t get the point for below 2 statments why we use Le 27 for class A and ge 17 for class B
R1(config)#ip prefix-list CLASSA permit le 27
R1(config)#ip prefix-list CLASSB permit ge 17
Hello Minali
In the first case, the subnet is all addresses from to This is the class A range of addresses. The le 27
keywords indicate that each subnet matched by the prefix will have a subnet mask less than or equal to 27. So this prefix list matches things like, and and any other class A subnet with a prefix less than or equal to /27.
On the other hand, the second prefix list is which contains all addresses from to, which are class B addresses. The ge 17
keywords indicate that each subnet matched by the prefix will have a subnet mask greater than or equal to 17. So this prefix list matches things like,, and and any other class B subnet with a prefix greater than or equal to /17.
I hope this has been helpful!
Why in this example did you add the permit statement, but in the others you didn’t? You said the permit statement was like a permit any any statement in an ACL, so I guess I’m not clear why you didn’t use this permit statement in every example.
R1(config)#ip prefix-list FILTERTHIS seq 5 deny
R1(config)#ip prefix-list FILTERTHIS seq 10 permit le 32
Hello Andy
It really depends on what you want to achieve. In the specific example you are referring to, Rene is filtering out anything that matches the first statement, that is, anything within the network. This means he is denying traffic matching this statement. You must remember that like access lists, prefix lists have an implicit deny statement at the end. This means that if the prefix list had only the first statement then, anything matching the network would be denied, and then, everything else would be denied as well.
For this reason, the second statement was included, permitting everything. Now this statement is only necessary when you want to deny traffic that matches a very specific criteria, as is the case in this example. If your purpose is to permit traffic for a very specific range of addresses, as Rene did in a later example, then you don’t need the permit statement at the end. Indeed you mustn’t include it, otherwise your prefix list wouldn’t work correctly. For example, take a look at this prefix list:
R1(config)#ip prefix-list RENETEST permit le 19
It is used to permit only networks that fall within the range and have a subnet mask of /19 or less. Everything else must be denied, and everything else is denied because of the implicit deny everything at the end of a prefix list.
I hope this has been helpful!