OK that definitely helped! For one adding the hop counts and E2 same cost together in visual pic really pulled it together and the logic supporting the facts was: more efficiency getting from start to finish. That was spot on you should refine that and add it to your material it was a really solid explanation that immediately had me understanding. I will also state I got it immediately in bad conditions where my brain is not working well.
Son had me watch a bunch of trailers for a new game Warhammer 2 I really love visual cartoon type anime whatever you want to call it so I got really pumped up lolā¦ So I had to load up old steam game and I played that thing last night till 3:30am in the morning. I have not played games in a very long time just to busy with work and studying but I love strategy from Chess to basically any strategy based PC game. I am not as young as I use to be and I definitely do not stay up into morning hours anymore. Oh boy did I pay the price today with a fog clouded mind working on about 1% of my brain power might as well have been out drinking all night as I felt hung over (something I have also not experienced in a very long timeā¦I know pretty pathetic for old retired gamer lol).
So sorry about tangent but point I am making is thank you for really good explanation that was able to get through the fog and inability to focus or concentrate in like 30-60 seconds. I am impressed lolā¦