Hello Mohamad
I am not familiar with the CLI of HP/Aruba, however I did some research and found the following.
In the CLI of HP/Aruba, you are able to define trunk groups. These are groups of interfaces that can then be used to configure those interfaces with tagged and untagged VLANs. For example, you can create the following trunk group and call it Trk1 like so:
trunk b23-b24 Trk1 Trunk
You can then reference Trk1 within the VLAN configuration and state that that particular VLAN should be tagged on all ports within the Trk1 group. This can be done like so:
vlan 20
tagged Trk1
This means that VLAN 20 will be tagged on interfaces b23 and b24 since they belong to the Trk1 group.
Now Cisco doesn’t have this hierarchical configuration method. You must apply the allowed VLANs on the interface itself rather than referencing the interfaces via trunk groups under the VLAN configuration.
For this reason, you would use the commands you have stated above. For each interface, you must state if it will process tagged frames (trunk mode) and if so, which VLAN tags will be allowed on the port (trunk allowed vlan
I hope this has been helpful!