Howdy from Texas!

Hello everyone,

My name is David Murphy and I recently joined Networklessons. I am currently living in Dallas, Texas. I was a member before in 2020 and 2021. I have a CCNP and a JNCIA. I work for AT&T here in the US. I am currently studying Python. I am also interested in learning some Cisco firewalls and some more routing, VPN material. Thanks and have a great day!, Cheers, Dave

Hello David and welcome back!

Thanks for sharing about your situation and experience. We hope that NetworkLessons will help you in your career as well as in your pursuits of learning Python, firewalls, routing and VPNs! If you have any questions, as always, feel free to let us know on the forum!


Welcome back, David!

Learning Python is a good idea. The CLI is still great to learn things but to configure and manage things in production, automation is important. It’s also something that once you know Python, it will be useful for a long time…

I wish you good luck studying and if you need any help, you know where to find us.


Thanks a million Renee and Team!

I am just finishing up the Python course. Then I need to set up my Linux developer environment for the 15th million time.

Have a great weekend all,

Dave Murphy

Good luck Dave.

I do 99% of my python coding in vscode. Works like a charm. Debugging is easy with breakpoints.


Thanks Renee…
I use MS Visual Code also. I add the remote explorer extension, then connect to a Linux Ubuntu Dev box and create Python Virtual environments. It takes 10 minutes to set up.
Once it is up and going, it is quite easy to automate.
All the best, Dave

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