Introduction to RIP


What about this screenshot? :slight_smile:

Good day Rene Its a short exercise i tried where I’m suppose to set up the network topology from the routing table but I’m encountering issues with it can you please assist me with a network topology?

Regards Luciano

Its a bit better for me to understand once i have the topology in front of me, just like the introduction to Rip video. Really liked it was very helpful

Please contact me as soon as possible because I’m writing test tomorrow on Rip

Regards Luciano

Hi Luciano,

Sure, if you have any questions just post them here. Good luck with the test btw!


Thanks Rene i managed to complete the exercise and test was very good:+1:

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I think I’m posting this in the right place but hopefully someone will inform me if I’m not .

The first video in RIP Distance Vector Routing Protocol states that routers do not send routes that they learned from 1 router back to that router. (discussing Split Horizon at 7:30)

In the second video discussing Counting To Infinity Rene states that R2 tells R3 about network But why would it do that? Surely that is in contradiction to Split Horizon rules.

(According to Rene’s description of Split Horizon this would suggest that Rene is the sort of person that tells the same joke at parties and I’m sure that’s not the case :grin:)

Hello Paul

You’re right in that the split horizon rule will prevent the “counting to infinity” scenario. Actually, Rene here is showing the problem that exists with routing protocols, where if you don’t have split horizon, you will get a counting to infinity scenario. He is also showing that the result of such a scenario is the fact that the metric reaches a limit of 16, which is considered unreachable. If there wasn’t this limit, routers would continue to use resources and exchange information forever causing a network to fail. Even with the split horizon rule, there is the possibility of routing loops, especially with a more complex topology, so this limit of 16 is still useful even if you are employing split horizon.

Later in the 2nd video (7:15) he explains how split horizon prevents this scenario.

I hope this has been helpful!
