[NEW] ICND1 100-105 Practice Exam

Hi everyone,

We have content, labs on GNS3Vault, but until now, we didn’t have a really good answer for practice exams.

We just released a practice exam for ICND1 100-105.

Out of a pool of ~100 questions, 55 are randomly selected. This practice exam is similar to the real thing where you have single, multiple choice, and click and drag style questions.

Major thanks to @lagapidis for creating the questions!

You can find the practice exam here:

ICND1 100-105 Practice Exam

Or at the end of the ICND1 100-105 course.

Good luck, depending on the feedback we get we’ll create practice exams for the other courses as well!



Hi Rene,
Sounds Great…

yes it will be very helpful for us…but i think it was previously in same position means
(CCNA Routing & Switching ICND1 100-105) then Course Schedule—Practice Exam
ICND1 100-105 Practice Exam

Few days back i saw this but didn’t check carefully so may i know what new thing you added here ? and the question will be change in every new login ? or it will same questions for every time ?

Really very very thanks for update this kind of things in our Networklessons but if you add same thing for CCNP & CCIE (R &S) it will help for us…

Aside Thanks to Laz:smile:
Thanks & Regards,

Hi Rene

This is great. Was surprised about what I knew and didn’t know. Any plans for doing a IND2 one and others ?


Hey Arindom

If this becomes popular then the plan is to continue expanding with additional courses such as ICND2 etc. The exam chooses 55 random questions out of the pool of 100 so every time the order is different and the questions may be different. We’re looking at working on ICND2 in the near future. We’ll keep you posted.

Thanks for the positive feedback!


Hello Moyaze

Yes, we’re planning on getting ICND2 done in the near future. We’ll see how the response is and we’ll let you know about other courses as well…


@Sumantonnet this will be good for your ICND1 studies

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Hi Laz,
Thanks for replying but i am asking what thing you added newly ?

Because as i told you in my last comments that,
but i think it was previously in same position means
(CCNA Routing & Switching ICND1 100-105) then Course Schedule—Practice Exam
ICND1 100-105 Practice Exam.Few days back i saw this but didn’t check carefully so may i know what new thing you added here ?

Thanks & Regards,

Hello Arindom

What is new is the test itself. We didn’t have practice tests on NetworkLessons before, so this is a new addition. However, so far, beyond the 100 questions and the 55 questions per test, there is nothing else new.

I hope you will find the test useful!


Hi Laz,
Thanks for reply to me…
Ok ok then i seen some wrong,now understood… Don’t get me wrong that Arindom argued with you no never actually my English is not good some time its difficult to understand everything for me bt i do try to understand or some time i will questions and questions so don’t get feel bore with me…

Thanks & Regards,

Please correct me if I am wrong/missing something, but I think one of the questions on the practice exam is missing answers. I decided to to take the ICND1 practice exam to see what its like and brush up on the basics before my last interview. I believe that I have found a question with no possibility to answer. I have attached a screenshot.

Hello Scott

Thanks for indicating this. I’ve just gone in and added the multiple choice answers.


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A post was split to a new topic: ICND1 exam timeout


First of all, thanks for providing this test, it is very useful!

Second, I think there is a mistake in the practice exam. It is the question:
You are asked to configure port security on a port of a switch such that it will dynamically learn the MAC address of the first device that is connected to it. An additional requirement is that this MAC address never expires even if the allowed device has been disconnected for a long period of time. How would you configure the switch port to fulfill these requirements?

The explanation does not correspond with the answer encircled in green (I think). Could you have a look into that please? If you would like me to, I can post a screenshot, but I do not want to spoil the test question for others.

Thank you!

Hi Marit,

I found the question and it seems the wrong answer was selected as correct. Just fixed this :slight_smile:


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I found a small typo/error in the following question:


The second command of the correct answer should include ‘ipv6 address’ not ‘ip address’.

Hello Marit

Thanks for pointing that out, I’ve just fixed it!


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