This topic is to discuss the following lesson:
kindly, this code doesn’t work could you check:
vendor = "CiScO"
print(f"Router is from vendor: {vendor.title()}.")
Hello @ahmedamrici ,
This is working for me:
>>> vendor = "CiScO"
>>> print(f"Router is from vendor: {vendor.title()}.")
Router is from vendor: Cisco.
On Python 3.8.6. title
is a string method.
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Thanks dear I had below error, I did correct it
AttributeError: ‘str’ object has no attribute ‘litle’. Did you mean: ‘title’?
but why don’t you show the print output in the lessons ?
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Hello Ahmedlmad
Using the Trinket applet, you can see the output in the pane on the right in the lessons. For the particular code you mentioned, I get this:
You can see the output on the right. You can also display the console output by clicking the “Console” option as shown below:
Does that make sense?
I hope this has been helpful!
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Yes thanks guys appreciate your help.
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