Reflexive Access List


I have been working on access-lists and NAT on my little lab. I have a Cisco router connected to a D Link router that is in turn connected to a vonage router which in turn connects to a Cable mode - my gateway to the internet. I am able to ping the D Link IP address from the cisco router and also the internet. The D link using subnet. I configured other subnets behind the cisco router. I managed to use NAT to be able to ping the D Link router but could never be able to ping anythin on the internet. All my other subnets behind the cisco router are NAT inside. The link between the D Link and the router as NAT outside.

What do I need to do to be able to ping beyond the D-Link Router? I can ping internet addresses from the Cisco router but nothing beyond the D-Link from anything behind the cisco router.

I worked with it so long until I started my working translations.
