Troubleshooting CCNP TSHOOT Lab

Hello everyone,

I m new on this platform, who passed CCNA Tshoot recently?

Hi Rene,
I have downloaded the GNS3 topology file from and also from your latest link in the comments. but i found that the issues fixed in your topology. like DHCP Pool issue. its already set to and there is no issues. also the it seems very different from the tickets in the article.
can you please advice or giving me a GNS3 2.x file that really have the issues in the tickets you have posted.
Thanks in advance

Hello Ali,

Which file did you download? this one?


I can not see any lab like this for CCIE RS in your website. Will you make a troubleshooting topology for CCIE v5 also?

Hello I am gettign an erro while trying to implement
ipv6 address FE80::C00B:13FF:FEE1:1 link-local on DSW1

DSW1(config)#interface Vlan10
DSW1(config-if)# ip address
DSW1(config-if)# ip helper-address
DSW1(config-if)# ipv6 address FE80::C00B:13FF:FEE1:1 link-local
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

DSW1(config-if)# ipv6 address 2026::3:1/122
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

DSW1(config-if)# ipv6 rip RIPNG enable
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

any idea why

Hi Regis,

Do you still have issues with this? What image do you use?

Looks like it doesn’t support IPv6.


My IOS image is C3725-AD.BIN

Hi Regis,

When you boot the router and use show version which exact version does it show?

You can look up what the image supports with the feature navigator.


I am good now thank you

If you have Eve-NG version, please shared

Hello Nawir

If you do a bit of research online with your favourite search engine, you should be able to find the topology. After searching for it myself using “eve-ng cisco ccnp tshoot topology” as the search string, I found it in a couple of minutes. I am unable to share the link with you on this site however for legal reasons.

Even so, keep in mind that the CCNP TSHOOT exam has been retired. The topology is still good for practising of course, but keep in mind that it is no longer used for certification.

I hope this has been helpful!


Hi Rene,
Can you just clarify which .gn3 .net files equate with which parts of the tshoot lesson?

Frank Faith

Hello Frank

First of all, let me just clarify that this particular lesson has to do with the CCNP TSHOOT exam, an exam that was retired last year. So the actual topology being used is no longer part of the CCNP exam series.

However, it is still a useful learning tool to use this topology and the troubleshooting processes to identify, diagnose, and resolve issues that you may find here.

In the lesson, Rene shared two GNS3 topologies from GNS3Vault. The first is the actual TSHOOT topology, with everything working as it should. In other words, there are no problems to troubleshoot. You can use this topology simply to study it and see how it is “put together”.

The second GNS3 topology is one with several problems. In particular, it has the specific problems described in the lesson, that must be resolved. So if you want to troubleshoot a malfunctioning topology, that’s the one to do it with.

I hope this has been helpful!
