VXLAN Static Ingress Replication

This topic is to discuss the following lesson:

can we create a VXLAN underlay using VLAN interfaces instead of assigning ip-address directly on the physical interface ?

Hello Fakhar

Yes, you can create a VXLAN underlay using VLAN interfaces or SVIs. It’s not mandatory to assign IP addresses directly on the physical interface. In fact, using SVIs can provide more flexibility, scalability, and ease of management. You can assign IP addresses to the SVIs and use them as your VTEP endpoints in the underlay network. This can be particularly useful in multi-tenant environments where you need to segregate traffic. Just make sure your network devices support this configuration and the VLANs are properly trunked across the necessary switches.

I hope this has been helpful!


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not work with runk port only work when make vlan a native or access , i don’t know why ? can you help me please

Hello Fakhar

The configuration requires that you configure the Eth1/1 ports of the Leaf switches as routed ports and the Eth1/2 ports (connecting the PCs) as access ports. If you configure either of those ports as trunk ports the VXLAN topology will not function. This is because you need routing capabilities between the Leaf switches, and you need the PCs to connect to access ports on particular VLANs.

I hope this has been helpful!


Hi Rene What is the switch you use for vxlan lab and ios version?

Hello Alpesh

Rene used Cisco Nexus (NX-OS) 9000v switches on CML. The specific version is 10.3(1) and the image file is nxos64-cs.10.3.1.F.bin.

I hope this has been helpful!


How do we integrate the ubuntu container in EVE-ng do we have steps for that?

Hello Kannan

We don’t have steps for this, but you can go to the following support site from EVE-NG that explains in detail how to do this.


I hope this has been helpful!
