Zone Based Firewall Configuration Example

Hi Matt,

It’s in the policy-map, take a look below:

policy-map type inspect LAN-TO-WAN
 class type inspect ICMP
 class class-default

The output above is from the running configuration. Here’s how to change it:

R2(config)#policy-map type inspect LAN-TO-WAN
R2(config-pmap)#class class-default                
Policy-map class configuration commands:
  drop  Drop the packet
  exit  Exit from class action configuration mode
  no    Negate or set default values of a command
  pass  Pass the packet


The parameters can be used to check for certain DNS/TCP/UDP parameters and such. Here’s a quick example:

class-map type inspect match-all HTTP_TRAFFIC
 match protocol http
parameter-map type inspect TCP_PARAMETERS
 tcp idle-time 15
policy-map type inspect test
 class type inspect HTTP_TRAFFIC

Instead of just using “inspect”, we are also refering to a parameter-map where we specify that the TCP idle time is 15 seconds. There’s a bunch of parameters you can choose from:

parameter-map commands:
  alert           Turn on/off alert
  audit-trail     Turn on/off audit trail
  dns-timeout     Specify timeout for DNS
  exit            Exit from parameter-map
  icmp            Config timeout values for icmp
  ipv6            Config IPv6 specific parameters
  max-incomplete  Specify maximum number of incomplete connections before
  no              Negate or set default values of a command
  one-minute      Specify one-minute-sample watermarks for clamping
  sessions        Maximum number of inspect sessions
  tcp             Config timeout values for tcp connections
  udp             Config timeout values for udp flows
  zone-mismatch   Configure Zone mismatch
R1(config-profile)#tcp ?                                    
  finwait-time              Specify timeout for TCP connections after a FIN
  idle-time                 Specify idle timeout for tcp connections
  max-incomplete            Specify max half-open connection per host
  synwait-time              Specify timeout for TCP connections after a SYN and
                            no further data
  window-scale-enforcement  Window scale option for TCP packet

Hope this helps!


Thanks Rene,

In your example:

policy-map type inspect LAN-TO-WAN
 class type inspect ICMP
 class class-default

When you specify the drop action for the class-default, does this set the default for all instances of class-default for all policy-maps or is it specific to just that policy-map? Can another policy-map have the class-default of pass concurrently?

Hi Matt,

This only applies to this particular policy-map. For each policy-map, you can set a different action under the class-default class.

You can see it because of the nested structure. The “class type inspect ICMP” and “class class-default” belong under this policy-map. The “drop” command is nested under the class class-default.


Thanks for clearing that up Rene.

Rene, in the following config lifted from the CCP default policy:

policy-map type inspect ccp-permit
 class class-default 
zone-pair security ccp-zp-out-self source out-zone destination self
 service-policy type inspect ccp-permit

Does not specifying anything as the class-default result in all traffic being dropped? Does the class-default have an implicit drop in this situation?
Since this is the service-policy for traffic from the outside to the inside I’m assuming that a class-default not being defined would result in a drop action.


Hi Matt,

That’s right. The default action will be drop:

R1#show policy-map type inspect ccp-permit
  Policy Map type inspect ccp-permit
    Class class-default

This seems to be for traffic from the outside to the “self” zone (the router itself), it’s not for traffic from outside > inside.

They probably use something like this to disable management (telnet/ssh/snmp) to the router from the outside.


Thanks Rene. I meant self zone. I think that this config would be ideal for blocking all external traffic from the router itself. It would make for a very secure config.

Hi Matt,

That’s right. The self zone is often forgotten. It’s best to implement something like this to drop everything from the outside to the router itself. If you want to use SSH from the outside, it’s best to include a source IP address instead of opening TCP 22 for the entire world.


Hi Rene,

I’m wanting to include a section in my ZBPF to deny access to certain URLs. Some websites are suggesting to use a parameter-map type regex whilst others are suggesting using a class-map match-any.

parameter-map type regex url-blacklist-pmap
 pattern *

class-map match-any URL_BLOCK
 match protocol http host ""

I am interested in doing this to try and block various telemetry attempts by 3rd parties as the hosts file is often quite useless at this. Some use URLs hardcoded with their phone home addresses inside .DLLs to circumvent detection. Can you offer any suggestions using the correct syntax?


Hi Matt,

Good question…your first example uses the URL filter, the second one uses NBAR.

Both will do the job, the configuration with NBAR is probably much easier though. It’s also possible that there is a performance difference between the two.

Here’s a working example how you can use the parameter-map. It blocks and permits anything else, I just tested this in my lab and it works:

hostname R2
ip cef
parameter-map type urlfpolicy local URL_FILTER
 block-page message "YOU ARE NOT AUTHORIZED"
parameter-map type urlf-glob YOUTUBE
parameter-map type urlf-glob ALLOWED_URLS
 pattern *
multilink bundle-name authenticated
class-map type inspect match-all HTTP
 match protocol http
class-map type urlfilter match-any BLOCK_YOUTUBE
 match server-domain urlf-glob YOUTUBE
class-map type urlfilter match-any ALLOW
 match server-domain urlf-glob ALLOWED_URLS
policy-map type inspect urlfilter URL_FILTER
 parameter type urlfpolicy local URL_FILTER
 class type urlfilter BLOCK_YOUTUBE
 class type urlfilter ALLOW
policy-map type inspect WAN-TO-SELF
 class class-default
policy-map type inspect WAN-TO-LAN
 class type inspect TELNET
 class class-default
policy-map type inspect LAN-TO-WAN
 class type inspect ICMP
 class type inspect HTTP
  service-policy urlfilter URL_FILTER
 class class-default
zone security LAN
zone security WAN
zone-pair security LAN-TO-WAN source LAN destination WAN
 description LAN-TO-WAN TRAFFIC
 service-policy type inspect LAN-TO-WAN
zone-pair security WAN-TO-LAN source WAN destination LAN
 description WAN-TO-LAN TRAFFIC
 service-policy type inspect WAN-TO-LAN
zone-pair security WAN-TO-SELF source WAN destination self
 service-policy type inspect WAN-TO-SELF
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
 ip address
 zone-member security LAN
 duplex auto
 speed auto
 media-type rj45
interface GigabitEthernet0/2
 ip address
 zone-member security WAN
 duplex auto
 speed auto
 media-type rj45


Hi Rene,
why did you use many “inspect” command , in the class-map , in the policy-map (2 times) and in the zone-pair
which one of them should be the one to allow the return traffic ? and which one of them can I replace with drop or pass?

Also regarding the WAN-TO-SELF should I create LAN-To-SELF deny access from the inside zone?
Thanks a lot

Ali, I just tried what you suggested re the LAN-TO-SELF as per the following on my 1841 just for interest’s sake:

policy-map type inspect LAN-TO-SELF
 class class-default
zone security LAN
zone-pair security LAN-TO-SELF source LAN destination self
 service-policy type inspect LAN-TO-SELF
interface FastEthernet0/0
 ip address
 zone-member security LAN
 speed 100

You just lock yourself out of the router if you do this and will have to console back in to fix it. You would have to associate an access-list with the policy allowing at least some access to the self zone for it to be useful.

As Rene shows in his config the following is effective for blocking all access from the WAN to the router:

policy-map type inspect WAN-TO-SELF
 class class-default

I use this on my ZBPF and find that scans from external sites like GRC’s ShieldsUp! and Pen-Test Tools can’t get in or get a response from my router.

Rene, do you see this as being all you need for an effective firewall or do you suggest adopting other measures in the config as well?


Hi Ali and Matt,

About the many inspect commands…the thing is that the class-map that is used for inspection is a different one than the regular class-map. The same thing applies to the policy-map. For example, take a look at this code:

policy-map type inspect LAN-TO-WAN
 class type inspect ICMP

The “policy-map type inspect” part only refers to the policy-map called LAN-TO-WAN and specifies that it’s an “inspect type” policy-map. The same thing applies to the class-map we use here.

The only command that does inspection, is the “inspect” command.

About where to use inspect. Let’s look at two different options:

policy-map type inspect LAN-TO-WAN
 class type inspect ICMP

If you configure it like above, then ICMP traffic is allowed to go from LAN to WAN…AND the return traffic is permitted.

If you use pass instead of inspect, you’ll have to do something like this:

 policy-map type inspect LAN-TO-WAN
 class type inspect ICMP
 policy-map type inspect WAN-TO-LAN
 class type inspect ICMP

Creating a LAN-TO-SELF zone-pair is useful when you want to restrict traffic from LAN to SELF. you could add one and only permit something like SSH with a source IP.

Your WAN-TO-SELF policy-map looks good Matt. You can always add more class-maps to it for traffic that you do want to permit (SSH perhaps). Dropping everything by default from the outside is a good idea.


Thanks for the reply Rene. If in your above example where you use two policy-maps both with a pass instead of one with inspect, will the second policy-map allow all ICMP traffic to access the router that originates from the WAN? If so, I would have thought that this would be a huge security hole in a firewall.

Hi Matt W,

I have made the lab based on your question and indeed the ICMP traffic coming from the WAN router will be be allowed to reach the router. Here below the result of the lab when doing ping from the WAN router. As you can see, 5 ICMP packets have passed. That´s why it is always recommended to use inspect instead of pass to have more security.

Hope I could answer your question.

Service-policy inspect : WAN-TO-LAN

Class-map: ICMP (match-all)  
  Match: protocol icmp
    5 packets, 400 bytes

Class-map: class-default (match-any)  
  Match: any 
    0 packets, 0 bytes

19 posts were merged into an existing topic: Zone Based Firewall Configuration Example

Hello Renee,
Long time reader and just joined nice plac to be. I have a question on this do I still need to have ACL’s I cannot tell if this is neccessary this is my WAN connection on a lab 1921

interface GigabitEthernet0/0 description WAN_TO_INTERNET ip address dhcp ip access-group 100 in no ip unreachables ip flow ingress ip flow egress ip nat outside ip inspect FIREWALL out ip virtual-reassembly in duplex auto speed auto no cdp enable end

Do still need the ip access-group ACL with ZBFW?


This text will be hidden

Hello Joseph

Nice to have you with us. As for your question, the above configuration of Gi0/0 interface has access list 100 in configured and also has inspect FIREWALL out configured for inspection of returning traffic. However, no zones have been configured here.

If you implement a ZBFW then you will no longer require the ACL configuration since all criteria on whether or not to allow a packet through are configured using zone-pair security policies.

I hope this has been helpful!



Please let me know what IOS version and Router you used in your example. I have Cisco 3700 series in GNS3 with the following IOS

(C3725-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M), Version 12.4.
I don’t see any options or commands for Zone.


Hi Hamood,

You can use the Cisco feature navigator to find which IOS image you will need:

I couldn’t find the 3725 in the platform list as it’s probably too old. Looking at the 3825, it’s probably the advanced enterprise image you need: